2022-04-20 19:11 | 来源:未知 | 作者:admin


lol, aka, afk, b4, vg……
aysos = are you stupid or something 你是傻还是怎么的
bs = bullshit 胡扯
FU = fuck you 滚开
gth = go to hell 下地狱去,见鬼去吧
kma = kiss my ass 鄙视你
po = piss off 滚开
afaic = as far as I'm concerned 依我看来
afaik = as far as I know 据我所知
imo = in my opinion 我认为
imho = in my humble opinion 个人拙见
xlnt = excellent 超赞
yep/yup = yes 是啊
gj = good job 干得好
g8t/gr8 = great 太好了
GD = good 不错
ez = easy 轻松容易
vg = very good 非常好
bs = big smile 大笑
ta = thanks 谢了
thx/tx/thks = thanks 谢了
tia = thanks in advance 提前感谢
tm = trust me 相信我
ty = thank you 谢谢你
tyvm = thank you very much 非常感谢
y = why 为啥
ynk = you never know 你永远不会懂
dgt = don't go there 别提这事儿
diik = damned if I know 鬼知道,我真的不知道
idst = I didn't say that 我没那么说过
idts = I don't think so 我不这么认为
ifu = I'm fed up 我受够了
nmp = not my problem 不是我的问题
wca = who cares anyway 谁在意啊
wdys = what did you say? 你(tm)说什么?
nm = never mind 当我没说
dltm = don't lie to me 不要和我说谎
YR = Yeah, Right 嗯,对
K/KK = OK/OK, OK 好的
we = whatever 不管什么样
tgif = thank god it's Friday 感谢神,周五啦!
ambw = all my best wishes 祝好
GL = Good Luck 祝好运
yolo = you only live once 人生只有一次
ditto = agree 同意,你说得对,同上
dunno = don't know 不知道
f2t = free to talk 畅所欲言
fya = for your amusement 开玩笑的啦
hak = hugs and kisses 抱抱亲亲
ILY = I love you 我爱你
lv = love 爱
hhok = ha ha, only kidding 哈哈,开个玩笑而已
IC = I see 我知道了
idk = I don't know 我不知道
I donno = I don't know 我不知道
j/c = just checking 随口问问
j/c = just kidding 只是开玩笑
j/w = just wondering 只是好奇
lmao = laughing my ass off 笑得屁滚尿流
n = and/know/now 和/知道/现在
N/A = not available/applicable 没空,不适用
nbd = no big deal 没什么大事
rgds = regards 祝好
ruok = are you okay? 你好吗?
rly = really?真的吗?
nvm = never mind 别介意
noyb = none of your business 不关你的事
oic = oh, I see 哦,我知道了
np = no problme 没问题
omg = oh my god 我的天呐
soz/sry = sorry 抱歉
srsly = seriously? 真的吗?
wan2 = want to 想要
wdyt = what do you think? 你怎么认为?
tmi = too much information 信息量太大(让我缓一缓)
gtsy = glad to see ya 很高兴见到你
hiho/hola/yo/hi/hey = hellow 你好,大家好
ltns = long time no see 好久不见
wb = welcome back 欢迎回来
bbs = be back soon 很快回来
bbl = be back later 很快回来 
bcnu = be seeing you 回见
cu/cya = see ya = see you 再见
g2g/gtg = got to go 该走了,该下线了
gtgb = got to go, bye 该下线了,拜拜
gn/gn8/gnight = good night 晚安
HAND = Have A Nice Day 一天过得愉快
hb = hurry back 很快回来
nn = nite = night 晚安
GG = Good Game/Gotta Go (游戏)打得好/该走了
HAGO = Have A Good One 致以良好祝愿(告别时)
ttyl/ttul = talk to you later 待会儿再和你聊
asap = as soon as possible 尽快
atst = at the same time 同时
b4 = before 在……以前
bhl8 = be home late 晚点回家
brb = be right back 马上回来
brt = be right there 马上到
cul/cyl/cul8r = see you later 待会儿见
eta = estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间
etd = estimated time of departure 预计离开时间
zh = zero hour 零时
afk = away from keyboard 离开,暂时或永久离开游戏
cio = check it out 来看看,查出来
csl = can't stop laughing 笑得停不下来
diy = do it yourself 自己做、自制
DL = download 下载
86 = eating snacks(读音像) 吃东西
f2f/ftf = face to face 当面,面对面
gtgp = got to go pee 去上个厕所
iggp = I gotta go pee 我要尿尿
kit = keep in touch 保持联系
kx = kiss 亲吻
lol = laughing out loud 大笑
lmk = let me know 告诉我
myob = mind your own business 管好你自己的事儿
cm = call me 打给我
cub = call you back 回头打给你
X = cross 横穿(美国人行道旁经常立着“XING”的牌子)
ooo = out of office 不在办公室
pcm = please call me 请打给我
spk = speak 说,讲
xoxo = hugs and kisses 亲亲抱抱
xu = kiss you 亲吻你
tba = to be announced 待公布
tbc = to be confirmed/continued 待确认/未完待续
tbd = to be done 待完成
tmb = text me back 回我短信
add.= address 地址
aka = also known as 别名
amigo = friend 朋友(源于西班牙语)
bd = birthday 生日
BF = boyfriend 男朋友
BFF = best friend forever 永远的好朋友
biz = business 生意
br = bathroom 浴室
em = them 他们(宾格)
etc. = 等等
FAQ = Frequently Asked Question 常见问题
FB = facebook 脸书
fe = for example 例如
FMI = for more information 详细信息
FYI = For Your Information 供参考
GF = girlfriend 女朋友
m8t = mate 同事,伙伴,同伴  
mob = mobile 手机
M or F = Male or Female 男的还是女的
msg = message 消息
tel = telephone 电话
pic = picture 图片,照片
pov = point of view 观点 
2nite = tonight
wknd = weekend 周末
u2b/utube = youtube 油管网
Xmas = Christmas 圣诞节
ya = you 你
ur = your 你的
u r = you are 你是
u = you 你  
ppl = people 人们
sum1 = someone 某人
ne = any 任何
ne1 = anyone 任何人 
ol=office lady 女白领
zc = zone center 区中心
B/C = because 因为
btw = by the way 顺便问/说一下
cuz = cause 因为
eom = end of message 信息结束
enuff = enough 足够
iac = in any case 无论怎样
iow = in other words 换句话说
irl = in real life 在真实世界里
jic = just in case 以防万一
kinda = a little bit 有一点
otoh = on the other hand 另外,另一方面 
pls/plz = please 请
pro = professional 专业的
PS = post scriptum/postscript 另外,附言,又及
wot/woot/w00t/wut = what 什么?!
tho = though 尽管,虽然
r = are 是
wru = where are you? 你在哪?
wuzup/sup = what's up 怎么样?有什么事儿吗?
up = what's up 怎么样?有什么事儿吗?